Details of the offer for Pentester W/M about pentesting at SERMA NES in Paris

The company(society) BORN SERMA looks for a pentesteur. 
We propose audits of pentest (IoT, redteam, Web) to our customers SME(SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISE) or actors of CAC 40(PARIS STOCK INDEX). 
To join us it is to centre on the technique in the sense(direction) where you are not a part meeting of launch and return(restoration) and where the missions of audit are sharp (we make take a technical test, you are warned(prevented)). 
To join us it also is to meet nice colleagues and especially pentest team of enthusiasts (the day before(watch), the contribution MISC, challenge CTF, root - me and co).

For the logistic modalities(methods):
We are on Paris 9eme
You will have travels(movements) in regions Parisian
